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Top 9 Traits Of a Great Swim Instructor

A boy holding a little girl in the pool
Hunter "teaching" Junie how to swim

Swimming is not just a vital life skill; it’s also a gateway to a lifelong love of water-based activities. For many, the journey begins with a swim instructor who imparts not only the technical skills but also instills confidence and enjoyment in the water.

I still fondly remember my first swim instructor at our local community pool when I was a child. I could hold my breath and bob under, but I couldn't yet dive down to collect toys. My swim instructor would let me hold his leg to help get to the bottom of the pool to grab the sink toys. It might not seem like much, but this small kindness is what made swim lessons fun for me.

So, what makes a swim instructor truly great? Below, we explore the essential traits and skills that define an outstanding swim teacher.

A boy and a girl in the pool in streamline position
Tucker and Junie ready to streamline

1. Knowledge of Swimming Techniques

While this is at the top of the list, it is but one component of being a great swim instructor. Of all of the things it takes to be a great swim instructor, this is the one that is the most easily taught to a new instructor. It's far easier to teach someone swimming techniques than it is to teach patience, understanding, and empathy to someone who doesn't already understand them.

At the core, a great swim instructor must have an understanding of swimming techniques. This includes proficiency in different strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly), as well as knowledge about breathing techniques, body positioning, and propulsion methods.

An expert instructor can break down complex movements into simple, understandable steps that are easy for learners to grasp. After all, most people, especially children, learn best when each swim is broken down into it's separate parts. Swimmers can more easily master smaller chunks and work towards putting them all together.

A mother and two children at the pool
Junie, Sydnei and Tucker in the pool

2. Patience and Understanding

Teaching swimming often involves working with individuals who may be fearful or anxious about being in the water. Patience is crucial. A great instructor takes the time to understand each learner’s unique challenges and provides gentle, reassuring guidance. They recognize that progress can be slow and celebrate small victories along the way.

I worked with my friend's daughter today. She is a tall 5 year old who is very nervous about the water. Even though she can easily stand in the pool, she prefers to stay comfortably on the stairs. She also doesn't like water splashing her face whatsoever. She knows me from outside the pool, so she is comfortable with me in general.

When we first began our lesson, she exclaimed that she did not want to do a swim lesson and tried to run away. Once I got her into the pool, she clung to me as if her life depended on it. We didn't do any swimming in this lesson, we simply played and sang songs to build her comfort. After seeing the other children in the lesson kick, she asked me if she could kick back to the wall while still clinging tightly to my neck. It wasn't perfect, but it was progress and I praised her and gave her high-fives so she knew how proud I was of her. I know with more time in the pool, she will build her confidence.

A woman teaching three children to swim
Sydnei Teaching Group Swim Lessons

3. Excellent Communication Skills of a Great Swim Instructor

Effective communication is key to successful teaching. You will not only be speaking and interacting with your students, but also their parents. A great swim instructor can convey instructions clearly and concisely, using both verbal cues and demonstrations. They adapt their communication style to suit different age groups and learning abilities, ensuring everyone feels understood and supported.

Meanwhile, you will need to be able to clearly and thoroughly explain where your swimmer is at to their parents, what skills you are working on and how they can help outside the pool. I personally speak with my swim parents after every single lesson. I want them to spend time as a family working on the skills we've worked on together.

A baby girl and toddler boy dangling their feet in the pool
Baby Junie and Hunter

4. Empathy and Encouragement

Empathy allows instructors to connect with their students on an emotional level. By putting themselves in their learners’ shoes, great instructors can offer encouragement and support that resonates deeply. This empathetic approach helps build trust and motivates students to push through their fears and challenges. This really goes hand in hand with patience and understanding.

Being empathetic and encouraging a swimmer can ultimately be the difference between a swimmer gradually learning to be comfortable and enjoying the water or them growing to despise coming to swim lessons.

A little girl with a flamingo floatie
Baby Junie with a floatie

5. Safety Awareness

Safety is paramount in any aquatic environment. A great swim instructor always prioritizes safety, maintaining vigilant supervision and adhering to best practices for preventing accidents. They are trained in first aid and CPR, ready to respond swiftly and effectively in case of an emergency.

As a swim instructor, you know you can NEVER turn your back on your swimmers. You have learned all the tricks to take your kiddos for a swim while keeping an eye on the kiddos still at the wall or riser. It only takes one second for a swimmer to slip from the wall, so you have to be ready to act if needed.

A boy in pool
Tucker at the pool

6. Adaptability and Creativity

Every swimmer is different, with varying strengths, weaknesses, and learning paces. A great instructor is adaptable, able to modify lessons to cater to individual needs. They also employ creative teaching methods to keep lessons engaging and fun, which is especially important when working with children.

Sometimes you have swimmers that are great with going along with the plan, other times, you need to offer choices. Other students prefer you switch it up often and then others need new challenges at every lesson. Great instructors will learn this about their swimmers and cater to them.

a little girl in the pool
Junie with her scuba mask

7. Positive Attitude and Enthusiasm

A positive attitude is infectious. Great swim instructors bring energy and enthusiasm to every lesson, creating an enjoyable and motivating learning environment. Their passion for swimming inspires students to develop a love for the water and a desire to improve.

Children are like little mirrors, reflecting the attitudes and emotions of the adults around them. When we, as grown-ups, approach life with a negative mindset, it's no surprise that the kids in our lives might mimic that same behavior. Emotions are contagious, and as humans, we naturally feed off each other's vibes. That's why it's so important to model positivity and enthusiasm for our young ones. By setting a cheerful example, we not only brighten our own outlook but also plant the seeds for a brighter future in those who look up to us.

A mother and her son in the pool
Hunter & Sydnei

8. Professionalism

Professionalism encompasses reliability, punctuality, and a commitment to ongoing education. Great instructors are dedicated to their profession, continually seeking out new training opportunities and staying updated on the latest teaching techniques and safety protocols.

In the world of business ownership, especially when coaching or mentoring children, professionalism isn't just a quality—it's a necessity. For swim instructors, swim parents entrust you with more than just teaching strokes; they rely on you to be a steadfast pillar in their children's lives. Your professionalism shapes not only the success of your business but also the growth and confidence of the young swimmers you guide.

By embodying reliability, integrity, and dedication, you earn the trust of parents and inspire the children you coach. This powerful influence extends beyond the pool, nurturing a positive and lasting impact on their development. Embrace the role of a role model, and let your professionalism propel both your business and your young athletes to new heights.

A little girl getting ready to cannonball into the pool
Junie Cannonball

9. Ability to Build Confidence

Building confidence is one of the most rewarding aspects of teaching swimming. An exceptional instructor knows how to boost their learners' self-esteem by setting achievable goals and providing consistent positive feedback. This confidence not only enhances swimming skills but also contributes to overall personal growth.

Confidence is the secret ingredient that transforms swimming from a mere activity to an exhilarating journey. In the pool, confidence boosts performance, refines technique, and amplifies the joy of each stroke. It's the force that empowers swimmers to conquer challenges and face their fears head-on, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth. As swimmers build confidence, they unlock new levels of achievement, both in the water and beyond.

Being a great swim instructor goes beyond teaching strokes and techniques. It involves a blend of expert knowledge, patience, empathy, and a genuine passion for helping others succeed. By embodying these qualities, swim instructors play a pivotal role in creating confident, skilled swimmers who will enjoy the water for years to come.

Do you have any other qualities you think are essential for swim instructors? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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